Your generous donations to the Georgia Tech Foundation enrich lives at Georgia Tech, enabling us to invest in students, faculty, programs, and facilities. It is the mission of the Georgia Tech Foundation to support the academic excellence of the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Our Impact
From scholarships to state of the art facilities, find out how the
Foundation directly benefits the Georgia Tech community.

Georgia Tech Students
For fiscal year 2021, students received over $33 million in student support funds (scholarships, fellowships, grants and/endowed student loan programs) managed by the Georgia Tech Foundation and awarded/paid through the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid.

Georgia Tech Faculty
To date, the Georgia Tech Foundation is the funding source for 241 funded chairs or professorships. For fiscal year 2021, faculty received $18.2 million in Faculty Support funds managed by the Georgia Tech Foundation.

Georgia Tech Programs
As of June 30, 2021, the Georgia Tech Foundation actively manages the funds for 2,653 Restricted Fund Programs and 2,122 Endowed Programs.

Georgia Tech Facilities
Since 2008, The Georgia Tech Foundation has assisted in funding strategic capital projects including the Nanotechnology Research Center Building, Engineered Biosystems Building, Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design, Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons, and CODA.